
Recent Publications (most recent first)

  1. G. Xanthopoulou, A. Marinou, K. Karanasios, G. Vekinis, “In-flight SHS  during thermal spraying (CAFSY) as a new coating method for catalysts on carriers production”, Special Issue “Five Years of Coatings: Coatings Science and Technology for the 21st Century”, 2017
  2. Ο. Thoda, G. Xanthopoulou, E. D. Metaxa, G. Vekinis, A. Chroneos, “Influence of atomic structure on the activity of nano-structured nickel-based SCS catalysts during hydrogenation of maleic acid”, Journal of Catalysis, 2017
  3. Noémi S. Müller, George Vekinis, Vassilis Kilikoglou, “Impact resistance of archaeological ceramics: The influence of firing and temper”, J. Archaeological Science: Reports, 7 (2016) 519–525
  4. K. Triantou • K. Mergia, A. Marinou • G. Vekinis • J. Barcena • S. Florez • B. Perez • G. Pinaud • J.-M. Bouilly • W. P. P. Fischer,  Novel Hybrid Ablative/Ceramic Layered Composite for Earth Re-entry Thermal Protection: Microstructural and Mechanical Performance, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Volume 24(4), April 2015, p. 1452-1461
  5. Noémi S. Müller, George Vekinis, Peter M. Day, Vassilis Kilikoglou, “The influence of microstructure and texture on the mechanical properties of rock tempered archaeological ceramics”, Journal of the European Ceramic Society 35 (2015) 831–843
  6. G. Xanthopoulou, A. Marinou, G. Vekinis, A. Lekatou, M. Vardavoulias, Ni-Al and NiO-Al Composite Coatings by Combustion-Assisted Flame Spraying, Coatings 2014, 4, p. 231-252
  7. A.Marinou, G. Xanthopoulou, G.Vekinis, A. Lekatou, M. Vardavoulias, Synthesis and Heat Treatment of Sprayed High-Temperature NiAl-Ni3Al Coatings by In- Flight Combustion Synthesis (CAFSY), Int. J. SHS, Vol. 24, No. 4, pp. 192–201, 2015
  8. NS Müller, G Vekinis, PM Day, V Kilikoglou, “The influence of microstructure and texture on the mechanical properties of rock tempered ceramics”, Journal of the European Ceramic Society 35 (2), 831-843, 2015
  9. D. Kekes, P. Psyllaki, M. Vardavoulias, G. Vekinis, “Wear Micro-Mechanisms of Composite WC-Co/Cr – NiCrFeBSiC Coatings. Part II: Cavitation Erosion”, Tribology in Industry, Vol. 36, No. 4 (2014) 375-383
  10. Müller NS, Kilikoglou V, Day PM, Vekinis G, “Thermal shock resistance of tempered archaeological ceramics”, in M Martinón-Torres (Ed.), Craft and science: International perspectives on archaeological ceramics. Doha, Qatar: Bloomsbury Qatar Foundation, 2014, assessed at
  11. G. Xanthopoulou, A. Marinou, K. Karanasios, G. Vekinis “Catalyst activity of Ni-Al composite coatings produced by in-flight SHS during thermal spraying, Int J. SHS, 2014
  12. G Xanthopoulou, Invited Plenary Talk: “ISRU on planetary bodies using SHS”, XII International Symposium. on SelfPropagating High Temperature Synthesis. 21 – 24 October 2013. (South Padre Island, TX, USA)
  13. G Xanthopoulou, G Vekinis, K Arvanitis and I Faroupos, “Vacuum SHS of regolith simulants”, XII International Symposium. on SelfPropagating High Temperature Synthesis. 21 – 24 October 2013. (South Padre Island, TX, USA)
  14. A Marinou, G Xanthopoulou and G Vekinis, “Influence of thermal treatment of novel NiAl coatings produced by in-flight Combustion Synthesis”, EuroMAT2013, 8-13 September 2013, Seville, Spain
  15. K. Karanasios, G. Xanthopoulou, G. Vekinis, L. Zoumpoulakis “ Combustion synthesis catalysts for reforming greenhouse gases”, 13th Int. Conference on Environmental Science, Athens 5-7 September 2013
  16. K. Karanasios, G. Xanthopoulou, G. Vekinis, L. Zoumpoulakis, “A novel Cobalt Combustion Synthesis Catalyst for CO2 Reforming of CH4“,XI European Congress on Catalysis,2013,1-6 September, Lyon, France.
  17. A. Marinou , G. Xanthopoulou, G. Vekinis, A. Lekatou, M. Vardavoulias, “Corrosion behaviour of novel NiAl coatings produced by in-flight Combustion Synthesis”, Eurocorr 2013,1-5 September, Estoril, Portugal
  18. A Marinou, G Vekinis and J-M Bouilly, “Properties and plasma-jet performance of adhesively joined ASTERM ablator”, IPPW10, June 17-21 2013, San Jose, CA, USA
  19. A. Marinou, G. Vekinis and J-M Bouilly, “Overview of the TPS activities within the “RASTAS SPEAR” project”, 7th European Workshop on TPS & Hot Structures APRIL 8 – 10, 2013 – Noordwijk, NL
  20. J-M BOUILLY, A. PISSELOUP, O. CHAZOT, G. VEKINIS, A. BOURGOING, B. CHANETZ, “RASTAS SPEAR : Radiation-Shapes-Thermal Protection Investigations for High Speed Earth Re-entry, 7th European Workshop on TPS & Hot Structures APRIL 8 – 10, 2013 – Noordwijk, NL
  21. A. Marinou , G. Xanthopoulou, G. Vekinis, A. Lekatou, M. Vardavoulias, Ni-Al Composite Coatings by SHS-activated Thermal Spraying, European Workshop New Approaches to HighTemperature Coatings, October 15-17, 2012, Costa de Teguise, Lanzarote, Spain, p.29-30.
  22. J-M BOUILLY, A. PISSELOUP, O. CHAZOT, G. VEKINIS, A. BOURGOING, B. CHANETZ, “RASTAS SPEAR : Radiation-Shapes-Thermal Protection Investigations for High Speed Earth Re-entry, 9th Int. Planetary Probe Workshop – Toulouse, France, June 2-4 2012
  23. G Vekinis, A. Marinou, “Mechanical behaviour of adhesively bonded ASTERM ablative TPS after plasma-jet testing”, 9th Int. Planetary Probe Workshop – Toulouse, France, June 2-4 2012
  24. G. Xanthopoulou, Processing of Nanomaterials by Solution Combustion Method. Review, XXVIII Panhellenic Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science, Patra, Greece, 2012 (in press)
  25. S. Varitis, G. Xanthopoulou, G. Romanos, G. Vekinis, K. Karanasios, Combustion synthesis catalysts for CO2 reforming of CH4, XXVIII Panhellenic Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science, Patra, Greece,2012
  26. G. Xanthopoulou, COMBUSTION SYNTHESIS OF MATERIALS ADDRESSES CURRENT AND FUTURE INDUSTRIAL CHALLENGES, 11th SHS Int. Symposium on SHS, 5-9 of September 2011, Anavissos, Greece, p.23-24.
  27. A. Marinou, G. Xanthopoulou, G. Vekinis, A. Lekatou, M. Vardavoulias. COMPOSITE COATINGS IN THE SYSTEM AL-NI-NIO BY IN-FLIGHT COMBUSTION SYNTHESIS DURING THERMAL SPRAYING 11th SHS Int. Symposium on SHS, 5-9 of September 2011, Anavissos, Greece, p.174-175.
  28. G. Vekinis, “Strategy development for the transfer of new technologies to industry: converting a clever Invention to a valuable Innovation”, Plenary Talk, Proc. 11th Int. Symposium of SHS, Sep 2011, Greece
  29. Arvanitis K., Xanthopoulou G., Vekinis G., Zoumpoulakis L., Katsaros T. and Ganetsos T.SHS PRODUCTION OF STRUCTURAL UNITS OF LUNAR REGOLITH SIMULANT, 11th SHS International Symposium on SHS, 5-9 of September 2011, Anavissos, Greece, p.283-284.
  30. Athanasakou N.S., Xanthopoulou G., Vekinis G.  and Zoumpoulakis L. PIGMENTS ON THE BASIS OF Cr-, Mn- AND Co-MODIFIED WOLLASTONITE FOR INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS, 11th SHS Int. Symposium on SHS, 5-9 of September 2011, Anavissos, Greece, p.334-335.
  31. Marinou A., Xanthopoulou G., Vekinis G.HIGHLY ACTIVE CuCrO MIXED SPINEL SHS CATALYST FOR THE OXIDATION OF CO, 11th SHS Int. Symposium on SHS, 5-9 of September 2011, Anavissos, Greece, p.346-347.
  32. Pagonis N., Xanthopoulou G., Vekinis G., Polymenis S. SHS OF Mo-BASED HYDROGENATION CATALYSTS, 11th SHS International Symposium on SHS, 5-9 of September 2011, Anavissos, Greece, p.356-357.
  33. Thoda O. 1,2, Xanthopoulou G.1, Vekinis G.1, Zoumpoulakis L.2, Boukos N.SOLUTION COMBUSTION SYNTHESIS OF COBALT PIGMENTS, 11th SHS International Symposium on SHS, 5-9 of September 2011, Anavissos, Greece, p.362-363.
  34. Xanthopoulou G. and Vekinis G. JOINING OF SiC, MgO, MgAl2O4 AND FERROUS METALS USING SHS, 11th SHS International Symposium on SHS, 5-9 of September 2011, Anavissos, Greece, p.364-365.
  35. G. Xanthopoulou , Some Advanced Applications of SHS: An Overview, International Journal of Self-Propagating High Temperature Synthesis, no.4, v.20, 2011,pp 269-272.
  36. Xanthopoulou G. Combustion Synthesis of Spinels for wide range application, International conference on Nonisothermal Phenomena & Processes: From Thermal Exploision Theory to Structural Macrokinetics, November 2730, 2011,Chernogolovka, Moscow region, Russia
  37. G.Xanthopoulou, Preface, SHS2011, Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal, v.13,n.3-4,2011,p.112-113
  38. N. Mofa, Z. Mansurov, G. Xanthopoulou, “Composite materials on the basis of silica-     modified systems with high sorption activity for water surface cleaning”, Euro-Asian Journal of Sustainable Energy Development Policy, Volume 2, Issue 1, 2010 , p.39-47,p.105-114.
  39. G. Ksandopulo, A. Baydeldinova, S. Kartkuzhakov, O. Bairakova, N. Gassan, G. Xanthopoulou, Prevention of radioactive and some other contaminants leaching into soil by high temperature fixing”, Euro-Asian Journal of Sustainable Energy Development Policy, Volume 2, Issue 1, 2010, p.59-69, 125-130.
  40. G. Xanthopoulou, G. Vekinis, ”Catalytic pyrolysis of naphtha on the SHS catalysts”, Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal , v.12:1, 2010, p.17-21.
  41. G. Xanthopoulou, G. Vekinis, “TPS on the base of Mg-Al-O SHS material”, JUSTSAP FORUM, Kohala Coast, Island of Hawaii November 8-11, 2009
  42. G. Xanthopoulou, Catalytic Properties of the SHS products, Review, 12th  International Ceramic Congress, CIMTEC 2010, Montecatini Terme, Italy, June 6-11,2010, p10.
  43. G. Xanthopoulou, Catalytic Properties of the SHS products Review Advances in Science and Technology Vol. 63 (2010) pp 287-296
  44. G. Xanthopoulou, N. Pagonis,  G. Vekinis, S. Polymenis, Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis of Hydrogenation Catalysts,11th Pan-Hellenic Catalysis Symposium, University of Athens, 22-23 of October 2010, p.26.
  45. G. Xanthopoulou, N. Pagonis, G. Vekinis, S. Polymenis, Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis of Hydrogenation Catalysts,11th Pan-Hellenic Catalysis Symposium, University of Athens, 22-23 of October 2010, p.112-115.
  46. G. Xanthopoulou, G. Vekinis, A. Georgiou, L. Zouboulakis, Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis of NixAly, NiAl2O4 and Ni NiAl2O4 Hydrogenation Catalysts, 11th Pan-Hellenic Catalysis Symposium, University of Athens, 22-23 of October 2010,p.15.
  47. G. Xanthopoulou, G. Vekinis, A. Georgiou, L. Zouboulakis, Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis of NixAly, NiAl2O4 and Ni NiAl2O4 Hydrogenation Catalysts, 11th Pan-Hellenic Catalysis Symposium, University of Athens, 22-23 of October 2010, p.224-227.
  48. G. Xanthopoulou, G. Vekinis, F. Bouki, S. Polymenis, Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis of Cu-Cr-O Catalysts for oxidation of CO, 11th Pan-Hellenic Catalysis Symposium, University of Athens, 22-23 of October 2010, p.220-223.
  49. G. Xanthopoulou, “Review of Development of SHS catalysts”, 5th International Symposium “Combustion and Plasmochemistry”, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 16-18 September 2009, p.31 (plenary talk).
  50. N. Athanasakou, G. Xanthopoulou, G. Vekinis and L. Zoumpoulakis, Wollastonite pigments, 26th Pan-Hellenic Solid State Physics and science of Materials Conference, 26-29 of September 2010, Ioannina, Greece, p.247-248.
  51. P. Goundara , G. Xanthopoulou and G. Vekinis, Influence of Wollastonite on the Quality of the Paper , 26th Pan-Hellenic Solid State Physics and science of Materials Conference, 26-29 of September 2010, Ioannina, Greece, p.278-279.
  52. G. Xanthopoulou SHS, A New Class of Combustion Processes for Materials Production.Review 26th Pan-Hellenic Solid State Physics and science of Materials Conference, 26-29 of September 2010, Ioannina, Greece, p.89-90.
  53. G. Xanthopoulou, G. Vekinis,”Catalytic pyrolysis of naphtha on the SHS catalysts”, Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal , V. 12, N 1, 2010, p.17-21
  54. G. Xanthopoulou, Catalytic Properties of the SHS products, Advances in Science and Technology Vol. 63 (2010) pp 287-296.
  55. G. Xanthopoulou, Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis as method of catalysts production, Science of Central Asia (review and interview), n.4, 2010, pp.35-55.
  56. G. Vekinis and G. Xanthopoulou, “HybridTPS: A Novel Thermal Protection System for Atmospheric Entry Space Probes Based on SHS- Produced MgO-spinel refractories International Journal of Self-Propagating High Temperature Synthesis, no.4, v.19,2010, p.258-275.
  57. G. Xanthopoulou, G. Vekinis, “Nickel-based SHS catalysts for hydrogenation processes”, Proceedings of 10th International Symposium on SHS, Tsakhkadzor, Armenia, 6-11 July 2009, p.45.
  58. G. Xanthopoulou, G. Vekinis, Invited, “Hybrid thermal protection system for spacecraft based on MgO SHS refractories”, Proceedings of 10th International Symposium on SHS, Tsakhkadzor, Armenia, 6-11 July 2009, p.152.
  59. G. Xanthopoulou, G. Vekinis, ”Catalytic pyrolysis of naphtha on the SHS catalysts”, Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal , 2009
  60. G. Xanthopoulou, G. Vekinis, Invited, “TPS on the basis of Mg-Al-O SHS material”, Proceedings of JUSTSAP Space Collaboration FORUM, Kohala Coast, Island of Hawaii November 8-11, 2009
  61. N. Muller, V. Kilikoglou, P. Day and G. Vekinis, “Thermal shock resistance of ancient cooking vessels: myth and reality”, EMAC ’09, from Craft to Science, Proceedings of 10th European Meeting on Ancient Ceramics, London, 10-12 September 2009.
  62. G. Vekinis and G. Xanthopoulou “Plasmatron Testing of Hybrid-TPS”, Proceedings of 6th International Planetary Probe Workshop, Atlanta, USA, 23-27 June 2008, p.68
  63. G. Vekinis and G. Xanthopoulou, ”Environmental protection and remediation using SHS”, Proceedings of Black sea Energy Policy International Conference, Athens, Greece, 8-9 October 2008, p.35.
  64. G. Vekinis and G. Xanthopoulou, ”Hybrid- TPS: Current Developments and Prospects”, Proceedings of 5th International Planetary Probe Workshop, Boedeaux, France, June 25- 29, 2007, p.139,  Editor: ESA, WPP
  65. G. Xanthopoulou, G. Vekinis and  G..I..Ksandopulo, Invited Plenary,  “Kazakhstan-Greece Cooperation in the field of SHS”, Proceedings of International Conference on Historical Aspects of SHS in Different Countries, Moscow, Russia, 22-27 October 2007, p.13
  66. G. Vekinis and G. Xanthopoulou,” A new concept for a hybrid TPS for multiple atmospheric entry probes: a porous ceramic refractory containing an ablative polymer composite or other phase-transition material”, Proceedings of 3rd International Planetary Probe Workshop, Anavyssos, Attiki, Greece, June 27- July 1, 2005, ESA, WPP-263, 2006.
  67. G. Xanthopoulou and G. Vekinis, ”SHS Catalysts: Synthesis, Properties and Applications”, Proceedings of 11th International Ceramic Congress Advances in Science and Technology, Trans Tech Publications Ltd, Zurich, v.45, p.1058, 2006.
  68. G. Xanthopoulou and G. Vekinis, ”Rapid Catalytic dehydrogeneration of petrol for controlled in-situ production of hydrogen”, Proceedings of 4th International Planetary Probe Workshop, Pasadena, California, USA, June 27- 30, 2006, p.138.
  69. G. Vekinis, “Sustainable Innovativeness”, Proceedings of 9th Int. Conference on Technology Policy and Innovation – Science, Society and Sustainability”, Santorini, Greece, June 2006.